Articleship diaries

Two weeks back, on a tuesday evening I bid farewell to my articleship firm. 3 years & 49 days was indeed a roller-coaster ride there. For the last 6 months I was disturbed by the thought that I would soon leave the firm. My allegiance lie not with the work as all my colleagues would know, but it lies with the people & the atmosphere there. 😛 I kept wondering what I would tell them on my last day. Each time I thought of it, I made mental notes as to what I’ll tell them as I left.
For the last one year, I kept telling them on a lighter note, ‘On my send off, you all have to prepare a dance, song, drama & a special crying item where you all will cry asking me not to leave’. 😛 The day arrived. I tried to complete my work & by the time it was evening, my head began to ache.
At the usual send off time, friends who had gone for out audits came to office. The send-off foodies were ready & before I knew, I was asked to cut the cake, It had suddenly begun, someone smeared icing on my face, I was asked to sing, I sang & I was invited to ‘The Hot seat.’
The hot seat is where all the outgoing articles were made to sit & badgered with questions. That was the time when they were given the undivided attention of all the articles there. That was when I had to speak. I sat there and the questions began. As I sat there, approx 25 pairs of eyes looked back at me. That was when the reality hit me. I hadn’t accepted the fact that I was leaving. I kept cracking jokes about leaving, trying to convince me that I’d leave soon. But I had not come to terms with the reality.
Amidst all those questions, San asked me, ‘Can you say what you like in each one of us?’ I had nothing to say. I liked each & everyone there for certain reasons. But at that point of time I had gone blank. My brains had shut down. My mental notes had vanished. All that I thought I would say during the last few months, I had completely forgotten.
Soa  asked me ‘Rate these activities in the order of your preference – Singing, writing, dancing, drawing’. A simple question that I couldn’t answer. I gave a vague reply & escaped. They asked me if I had anything to tell them. I said nothing I wanted to. But that night I decided I’ll tell them all that I intended to say sometime soon. So here it is:


Let me answer your questions:
1. To say what I like in each of you, I’ll have to write it separately. So I think that could wait. I don’t intend to stop writing about my articleship in near future. Because I have so many memories in there. I’ll write them all.
2. In my order of preference – Writing, dancing, drawing & singing are on the same level.
3. I do have somethings to tell you all & here it goes

I have been friends with most of you. We have witnessed some of the best days as well as the worst times together. Many of you have seen me at my best & my worst. Sometimes you changed, sometimes I changed. Sometimes we fought like it was the end of our friendship but soon we resolved it. Sometimes I hated you, sometimes you hated me but at the end, the ice melted. Sometimes I never got what i expected, sometimes I never gave you what you expected. The day I left, I had no permanent enemies, I had no complains but one, some of them who I expected would come for my send off, didn’t turn up. It hurt me so much. Anyway, to all those with whom I shared smiles, tears & audits, to all those who intend to stay or leave with time, to all those who crossed my path there, Thank you for the bunch of memories. 🙂

During the last 3 years many changes happened in many of our lives. Some were revealed, some kept secret. Clashes happened, groups were formed, mistakes were made & we blamed each other, but at the end of the year, somehow we all bonded together again. Our strength & happiness revolved around just one element – Unity. Whatever may happen, make sure you don’t ruin the unity. Make sure there are no groups formed. School groups, institute groups, room groups, audit groups should all disintegrate & merge into one office team. Groups create barriers. They brew secrets. People who aren’t a part of your group feel uncomfortable to come amidst you. It is my humble request to all, if you’re a part of a group, loosen the bond & let everyone join your group. Let the entire crew row the boat in one direction.

I believe during the last few years, I did apologise each time I hurt someone. Sometimes I didn’t apologise but told you the reason why I didn’t. I honestly didn’t feel I was wrong. But now, a note to those whom I hurt, I never knew that I did & who either hold grudges still or who have forgotten & forgiven, whatever the mistake was, I’m sorry. It must have been unintentional.

Another note to those at whose cost I cracked jokes. Damn! You guys were hilarious! How could I stop myself from sharing something that was so funny. I really can’t apologise to you because I intend to retell those jokes everytime I see you. Thank you for making us laugh. Specially Layana, Jennifer, Tojo, Amal, Afsal etc. You people made those tea times lively.

A special note to BB & the whatsapp team at office! Thanks for making me famous through that edited pic ;). I was overwhelmed to see most of my recent contacts having that yellow profile pic. Now I believe half the world population (Binu sir’s whatsapp contacts constituting 90%) 😛 knows me, a handful thought something awful had happened to me, a few thought I were a celebrity & I thought you guys were awesome! I felt loved & pampered. It really brought tears to my eyes. I wasn’t ‘Reddy’ for any of those 😉

Thanks for all the wonderful times. I had fun practising dance, music, skit, mad ads, badminton, organising trips, programmes & parties. I enjoyed playing pranks and being subject to your pranks. Never stop fighting over ‘audit with food claims’, fighting over office laptops, fighting over chairs, making evening plans for chaats, ice creams & kulukkis, plans for movies, trips & tours, lunch meetings during out-audits, fighting over food, forcing to give treats, joining in gossips, making up stories, finding second meanings in almost everything & playing pranks. Let the spirit burn. Love you guys!! 😉 😛

PS – I wasn’t kidding when I requested that we meet twice a year. I don’t know how many of you took it seriously. I’m waiting to find out by 18th Feb 2015. 🙂

The end of another phase

Have you ever felt that happy things end very soon? Having thoroughly enjoyed my College life for 3 wonderful years let me tell you this. This was not what I had expected when I walked into the immaculately furnished CA firm. It had a pleasant & a workable atmosphere. ‘A typical office. Now I have to behave lika a professional.’ These were the thoughts I had then. It was only later that I understood who wrong I had been.

I was introduced to a bunch of articled assistants/staff whose names I couldn’t remember at all & I feared I’d never learn them all in the next 3 years. For the next 6 months approx, the work allotted to me was such that, I hadn’t spoken to more than two-thirds of the people there. I always had out-audits & so I knew only the ones who had come with me. I thought, ‘This is the end of all fun & frolic. Life has taken a damned serious turn. Wish these 3 years would get over soon.’

With time, things changed. The office that concentrated only on work, began participating in programmes. The year which was marked by Individual tax season, Company tax season, MCA season, KVAT season etc, now was marked by footbal tournament, cricket tournament, Indoor games, Encore, Ekah, Onam, Christmas etc with birthday & send off treats in between. Every month, we had a reason to celebrate. We won, we celebrated. We lost, we grieved, we celebrated.

We were a crazy lot. Each day began by planning pranks. We had our own bunch of scapegoats. We had our own team of pranksters. We had our own language. No one understood what we spoke, not even us. But the message was conveyed. Working in an audit firm, we never fought for out audits that gave good exposure. We fought for out audits near which we had good restaurants. Our serious fights were solved within a day or two. But we held grudges against those who stole our chocolates. We fought like minions 😀 when it came to food.

We never had any groups formed in an office of about 40 articles. All of us formed one group irrespective of place or gender.  Ofcourse, there were some loose ends here & there who hardly blended in. But ultimately at some point or the other, we were all one single unit. It always amazed me as to how there were no groups formed. But all the same I was happy. We did have silly fights & misunderstandings, but no permanent grudges held. After a while, everything would be forgotten. Our Sirs doubted our friendship many times. They were annoyed by the noise & lack of professionalism. New rule came up that girls should occupy one half of the office & boys, the other half. What they didn’t notice was all of us were simply behaving in the same manner with everyone. There were no pretences. You just had to put any two of us together at work & we simply gelled in.

World’s best specimens were in our office. We have named them too. English motta, chullikambu, aarogya keralam, kuruttu panni, kaduku, Abhaas R Singh Khan, Kindi, Kokkapuzhu, Achaar manager & many more. All were cartoon characters in a single story. 😀


Now, after 3 years, when just 2 days are remaining for my send off, I realise that I really don’t want to leave. It’s not because of the work or the atmosphere. It Is because of the friends I have got there. During the last week, many of my friends asked me, when I would be leaving. Beaming, I said the date. Some of them asked, ‘You are very happy to leave right?’. That is how it looks from the outside, but after my exams got over, my only prayer was that these 3 months should go slowly. I really did not want to leave.

Once I leave, few of them in my office would miss me for a while & soon get back to their routine, enjoying the company, pretending to do work, and being the naughty pranksters they always were. But I would be stuck somewhere with a bunch of memories, willing those days to come back.  Many places in Cochin would remind me of our times together. I know I will be miserable for a long while. And then after few years, our contacts would dwindle down & god knows who all will be in touch with me & who all I will be in touch with.

At this point of time, I wish we had a pensieve, we could draw out are memories using a wand and watch them whenever we wanted. To those who didn’t understand what I wrote now, please ask a Harry Potter fan what it is. I badly wish the pensieve was real. One thing is sure though, this would be another phase of my life I would hold close to my heart. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy, I am leaving with my hands full of gifts – Of friendship & Love.  A post wouldn’t suffice to describe these 3 years. A book could be written – A really amusing one. 🙂


I’m not a person who gets attached to people too fast. I observe people for some time and then begin to mingle with them. But once I get attached it’s very difficult for me to stay away from them. I always believed that either there’s friendship or no friendship. We’re friends with someone, only if we mutually agree that we’re friends or when we talk a lot or message them. I was proved wrong.

Today, we gave a send off to R a senior, of ours at office. He was my first senior when I joined for my article-ship, and also the best. We weren’t so close. When we came face to face we didn’t have anything much to talk other than work or any program that’s coming up. Just official stuff or a Hi and bye and maybe few words of made up conversation. I’m not much of a conversationalist, very bad at it.

Many people had left after their article-ship earlier. I wasn’t close to any of them. But in his case, it was different.

Firstly, I respect him a lot. It’s not out of fear or because he is a senior. He doesn’t demand respect, he deserves it. That’s what makes him special (I must admit there are quite a few like this at office). No unnecessary talks, perfect with his work, has an idea about what he is doing unlike people who try stuff to see what the outcome will be (For ex; me! :P. Gamble with work at times when I know that none can explain me the work. Luckily I’ve never lost a gamble.), very much approachable at any point of time, at the same time he’s crazily fun loving, cracking jokes and playing about. A perfect blend I must say (as far as I know him).

When it comes to work, he knows what he’s doing, which junior to pick and what work to delegate. He explains the work very clearly, clears doubts not just once but umpteen times. He’s got this knack of knowing whether we’ve understood his explanation. However convincingly I say that I’ve understood, he somehow knows that I haven’t 😛 And if I’ve really understood, he doesn’t ask me again.

My doubts are out of this world. Leave alone the fact that they must be the basics, they’ll be wild! From some corner, some angle, crazy stuff I ask. Not for the sake of asking, but because I cant proceed with my work without clearing that doubt. And he, with so much of patience and without a glint of insult in his smile or tone explains it in a very simple manner. In fact he respects doubts and I love that attribute of his.

A very remarkable thing is that, never did he show the authoritativeness of a senior. He was never bossy or dominating. He never ordered for work to be done, but always requested. When he just had to inform sir that he needed this particular junior for his work, he used to come and ask me if I was willing to go for that work. Once I did refuse politely, and he requested again. On second thoughts I felt, he really didn’t have to request to me. He could’ve used his position to just order his juniors around, but he never did. I agreed to do that work however; he said he’ll call me only if my help was really necessary. Thankfully it wasn’t or maybe he didn’t call because he knew I was hesitant. I’ll never find out.

He’s also got an artistic side which I got to know during onam and some other occasions when he drew random stuff on papers and cell phones. He was named ‘google’ of our office, encyclopedia etc. either google your doubts or call up R 😀

A very refined personality I must say, altogether. It is with so much of respect that I’ve looked up to him. And I could make out that it wasn’t just me, but many felt the same.

Though as I said I wasn’t much close to him, I did really feel something when he left today. I realized it today; he was a good friend of few words. We never rang up or messaged, nor did we ever speak like friends were supposed to. But there was always an underlying friendship which I have with a very few people.

My theory of friendship. Hence proved wrong.

Even CA could be funny at times-II


As I mentioned earlier, there are some really funny and unbelievable questions faced by any CA student at some point of time or the other- FAQs (lol).

So here I am taking the trouble of making a list of FAQs from my relatives & friends and the apparent answers I wanted to give but never managed to.

THEY:  What are you doing now dear?


THEY: Wow! Very good very good. (My proud smile.  And relief.  Apparently he or she knows about it, which saves me a good deal of explanation)

Which college?

(College? Oh no no. Not again! I feel my heart sinking deep within)

ME:  Ehh… Actually there is no college but just one institute and that’s ICAI. It is everywhere in India and abroad. I go to the one nearby here.

THEY: Yeah right right. So how many semesters left now?

(Wish I could secretly bang my head somewhere. Ask me how many years damn it! Years!)

ME:  It is not semester system. It is for 3.5 years. We either do self study or attend private classes, clear inters, do articleship and clear finals. I have cleared my inters and am undergoing article-ship.

THEY: Yes, article-ship is like you have to work with someone right? I know one CA who is supposed to be my sister’s friend’s uncle’s cousin’s neighbor. If you want I will suggest taking you in his…

ME: No No that’s fine. I have already started mine a couple of months back. I am satisfied with it.

(And for heaven’s sake get some knowledge about CA if you are going to suggest your sister’s brother-in-law’s whatever’s firm to a CA student. CA student is already in neck deep waters. His/ her articleship firm shouldn’t submerge him!)

THEY: So when will yours get over?

ME: (Should I answer you taking into consideration the probability that I fail a couple of times in my exams, or provided I get through my term of article-ship alive or considering that the world wont end in 2012?)

(In any case it will take at least 3 years which if I say, would lead to their favorite topic of marriage, which is the last thing I want. So I say)-

Around 1 .5 years.

THEY: Clear your course in your first attempt itself ok? It is really important.

ME: (A convincing smile) Sure sure!

(Whether you know about the course or not, never fail to give the first-attempt-clearing advice.)

And some other frustrating situations where-

THEY: You are working right?

ME: Well, it’s articleship.

THEY: I know I know. How much are you paid?

ME: As I said it is articleship so we don’t get much payment. We get stipend just to satisfy our personal require…

THEY: You should be happy with that. You are learning work and earning. Stipend shouldn’t bother you. So how much is it like?

ME: Around thousand or two…

(And the hell starts dangling, you will know why.)

THEY: (Bewildered) Thousand!!! Even construction workers get Five thousand per month!(But they are not learning work. Besides, the five thousand doesn’t turn into lakhs after few years.)

ME: But as you said I am learning work. They give us reimbursement for food and…

(The hell broke lose. Remember it was dangling earlier?)


THEY: What reimbursement? A few hundreds? That person’s daughter did ‘some-complicated-management’ and she earns around ‘1 followed by five zeroes’ per month!!! And look at you…

(By this time, I control all the fury raging within me. It takes a hell lot of effort. Don’t know how on earth she crept into the topic, but in any case as if she will look after me throughout my life. The irony being, after around few months I get to know that a couple of zeroes have gone on vacation from her monthly salary.) 😀

When all these FAQs bother me, two things I am sure of;Firstly, it will be a hell of a job to get through my finals, answering not only my question paper but also my friends’ and relatives’.Secondly, once I am through, I’ll have sufficient number of zeroes in my salary which will not reduce and probably the zeroes will answer all the unanswered questions.Meanwhile I wait as the lord weaves through my destiny.  😀