‘And’ Is Given For A Reason; Use It.

Ask me what my ambition is and I can’t pick just one. THISย was my first post on this blog. I just read it today and realized that 4 years back, I believed that none of my ambitions would come true. The tone of my post clearly says that. But today, my mindset is entirely different. I am determined to keep an ambition-list and tick them off one by one. Someday! Soon.

It is difficult for a person with so many interests to limit themselves. It is more difficult for us to find time for all of them. But I manage. There is no hurry. There are no deadlines. I do whatever I feel like doing, whenever I feel like doing them. I follow my heart. ๐Ÿ™‚

To start with, I love singing. I have been taking music lessons since I was 4 years old. But it kept breaking off due to my teachers or because of my exams. I still manage to try & keep up my voice though it happens very rarely.

This is the ME I'm talking about :P
This is the ME I’m talking about ๐Ÿ˜›

I Love to write, which is why I am maintaining this blog. I used to contribute around 8-10 articles for my class magazines ranging from poems to stories to drawings. I had a book where I used to write down all my poems. Sadly, the books used to disappear. Once I become an author, I hope the books would disappear from the stalls too! ๐Ÿ˜›

Drawing is another area that I find happiness in. Specially, pencil sketching. I am not very good at it. But not bad either. I know I can excel in it if I get someย training. During my college days I used to make some good sketches. But now, I don’t really look in that direction. But mind you, I don’t intend to stop. ๐Ÿ˜‰

My attempt at sketching. I know it has many flaws.


Teaching was one among the n number of ambitions I had. My first students were – Kili, Kilimanju, Manju, Tikku, Kilitikku – my dolls. There were a dozen others for whom I had given my classmates’ names. ๐Ÿ˜› Right now, my career is going in a very different direction. But once I get settled, I will go into teaching. We have organizations that teach children in orphanages. I will join them and follow my ambition.

Modelling is something I still want to pursue. I don’t want to become a well known model. But I’d love to be the model for a boutique or a clothing brand. As I was harboring this idea, a couple of friends decided to start their own clothing brand and asked me to join for the photoshoot. I am glad that there is something I craved for so badly and finally did! ๐Ÿ˜€

I have always wanted to do fashion designing, a course in Sanskrit, MSW & journalism. I have looked up some institutes from where I can do correspondence courses for the same. All I need is to clear CA, get a job and pursue these courses.

I am sure many of you must be thinking that the list is a bit too much. Really! I am not making this up. I want to learn and pursue every bit of things I have mentioned here. I will definitely try. After all, there is nothing to lose. There are no ‘Or’s in our lives. Only ‘And’s. I realized that when I was asked to go for the photoshoot. And by then I had made up my mind about my multiple degrees. ๐Ÿ˜€ Because, the word ‘And’ exists for a reason.

This post is a part of #UseYourAnd activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette Venus

I tag Sajith, Maniparna, Teny, Parul, Shruti and Anoop to blog on the topic. Click HERE to know more about it. And don’t forget to acknowledge me in your posts. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚