A Spark of Inspiration

100 Happy Days – Day 56

Happiness is when someone says that you inspired them 🙂

The other day, a friend I recently met in the blogosphere told me that I had inspired him. Something in my blog helped him overcome writer’s block. I felt elated to have been able to ignite a tiny spark of inspiration.

That particular day I was doubting myself. I wondered whether anything I wrote made any sense, whether my blog served any purpose apart from listening silently to all the gibberish I fed it. The answer came to me in that particular message. I know that many things I write here may not make any sense. But some of them, once in a while, did make some difference. Those were my treasured goals.

There was another such moment that I could never forget. Beginning of this year, I had written a post Tips and Ideas for Inexpensive Gifting where I had made a list of inexpensive things you could gift your loved ones. In two days’ time I got a Facebook message;

A message
A message

A post with my quilled creation inspired her to create. 🙂

Whether it is about inspiring to take up something, giving a tiny push, helping with a decision or even giving some food for thought, knowing that I have brought about a tiny, positive change keeps me going.

Hope I will be able to spread more smiles and bring about more positive changes. 🙂

11 thoughts on “A Spark of Inspiration

  1. Hi I’m Shreya!
    Love the post. You have great content on your blog. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
    I am relatively new to the blogging forum so please feel free to visit my blog and leave some feedback if you even find the time.
    Enjoy your summer.
    Shreya xx


  2. I totally relate to what you’re saying Ranjini. It is responses from our readers that keeps us motivated and going. You write so well so actually you needn’t worry about who’s reading…Keep writing all that is close to your heart and it is bound to strike a chord with kindred spirits!

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