The Uninvited Guest

Day 3

My system beeped announcing the arrival of one of the company mails. I clicked on the notification that appeared on the right bottom corner of my monitor. It read:

To: The Team
Subject: Review of FS

Dear Team, Please review the statements attached.


I ignored the mail. On second thoughts, I marked it as read. The ‘inbox (1)’ or any number in that bracket always stings my eyes. I continued with my work. It was soon interrupted by another beep.

RE: Review of FS

Hi, Vineeth* will take care of it.

Nitin Mukherjee*

It was the reply to the initial mail. Again, I marked it as read since the work wasn’t under my scope and continued my work.

Day 6

To: The Team
Cc: Nitin Mukherjee
Hi Team,
The meeting will be postponed for tomorrow 2 PM. Nitin, do the necessary arrangements.

Team Head

Day 7

To: The Team
Hi Team,

Hope all are fine. Here are the matters discussed in the meeting.

Thanks and regards,

Nitin Mukherjee

By this point, I had gotten used to the mails from Nitin. I understood that he was a guy, probably a head of department at the branch in another city. He seemed to be everywhere. Many mails were either from him, to him, replied by him or the mails referred to him. At times, I found it annoying. Why couldn’t they just send the mails personally? Why send them to the entire team?

Anyway, I put that off my mind and continued with my work.

Day 16

To: The Team
Time: 1-50 PM
Subject – Review

These are the statements of XYZ. Please ensure that the following is done:


Time – 1.55 PM  
RE: Review

Vinay* is looking into the same.

Nitin Mukherjee

Day 21

12 PM: Our team was called for a meeting. Since our team was spread over other branches too, the meeting was normally through audio conferencing so that the other members could also participate. We all filed into the room and once we were all settled, our head decided to begin the meeting.

Our head – Hi team! Are we audible to the other branch members?
A female voice – Yes.

The discussion went on for a while regarding some important matters. And then-

Our head – I believe Nitin is leaving soon. By when are you leaving Nitin?
Nitin – Yes, I will be leaving on 24rd. 
Oh in three days?
Okay. Nitin, I must say, this will be a big loss for the organization. Even in your last week here, you kept working and attending to all the requests. Are you rethinking your decision?
(Hesitantly) No, I am not.
Okay. All the best for your future.
Thank you.
Is there any message you want to convey to your team?
Yes. Well, many of you wouldn’t know me. Last time when I came there I saw many unfamiliar faces and I believe the number must have increased. 
You should have come here before leaving, Nitin. They would have known you. 😉
I wanted to. But, I couldn’t. Um… so I want to thank K for all her support. I remember, the day I joined, I was given her number and whatever doubts I had, I used to call her up…

The meeting concluded after a few more minutes and we all went back to our work.

To: The Team
Time : 4.20
Subject: Minutes of the meeting.
Matters discussed:


This is the last minutes I will be preparing for the team
Wish you all the success.

Nitin Mukherjee

Day 24

To: The Team
Subject: GOODBYE

I want to bid farewell to you all. This place has taught me so many things and given me great opportunities. Working under the HOD’s guidance has been an enlightening and enjoyable experience. I thank you for all your support and encouragement during my tenure.

 However, I feel this is the time for me to move on towards new opportunities. This decision was not easy for me. I think this decision is in the best interests towards fulfilling my career goals. 

I would like to thank all my friends for the help and guidance during all these years of my employment. My best wishes to the entire Team.

 Thanks & Regards

Nitin Mukherjee

And I wondered who would take up his place, take up all the work and prepare the minutes of the meetings.

Day 27

To: The Team
Subject: Prayer and Gathering in the conference room in fond remembrance of Nitin

Time: 12PM

*An image*

Team Head

Many thoughts passed through my head. But I ignored them all until I reached the conference room. we were told that Nitin Mukherjee had passed following an accident the day after he left the company. I did not know him.

Yet, it made my hair stand on end & I stood frozen thinking of how quickly a life had just ended.

“Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities.”
George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

With a pang of sadness I learnt that possibilities too have an expiry date. And guess what? That is the suspense in our story. It would take everyone by surprise.

*Names have been changed

11 thoughts on “The Uninvited Guest

    1. My mom said the same thing. I couldn’t and still can’t make any guesses. I don’t know him, but still I can’t accept it.


  1. Okay. I lost you in the end when you mentioned surprise and suspense… Was that merely an objective statement, or a blogger’s prerogative for a sequel?

    ps. was reading your book series the other day, and loved it… off to other posts…


  2. Ooh long time! 😀
    The last part was about the quote that said life is full of possibilities. I meant even those possibilities have an expiry date. The date is the suspense in our lives. 🙂
    You loved it? Thaaaanks! 😀


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